Group of Access To Wang magazine covers

Access To Wang

Articles on System Administration

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The ACCESSCK Procedure: User security profile
Access 86, July 1986
A Procedure the shows the user their security access profile

A User Management System: Using logon procedures to set usage constants
Access 87, May 1987
A generic user default system using GLOBAL variables

The MWSEDIT Procedure: Controlling workstation personalities
Access 87, June 1987
Edits specific elements in user Multistation workstation personalities

The FILEDATA Procedure: Gathering file usage data
Access 87, July 1987
Extract information on system file usage

The TRANSPRT Procedure: Queuing print files to remote systems
Access 87, August 1987
A Procedure that transfers print files between VS systems (part 1 of 2)

The TRANSPRT Procedure, Part II: Creating print file headers
Access 87, September 1987
A Procedure that transfers print files between VS systems (part 2 of 2)

On The Drawing Board: VS site planning considerations
Access 87, December 1987
Site planning considerations

VS Peripheral Connections: Getting to there from here
Access 88, January 1988
Types of workstation connections

Asynchronous Devices on the VS: Get in sync with async options
Access 88, February 1988
Connecting asynchronous workstations to Wang systems

Tying Workstations to Tasks: Put power and productivity in the user's hands
Access 88, March 1988
Choosing the right workstation for the task

Better Houskeeping: A two-part series on system management
Access to Wang, June 1988
General rules for VS system administration

Order to the System: Utilities that enhance system management
Access to Wang, July 1988
Tools for system administration

The Shadow Knows: A beginner's guide to background processing
Access to Wang, August 1988
First steps in developing programs for non-interactive (background) use

Task Management: More on background processing
Access to Wang, September 1988
More on non-interactive (background ) processing

Robot Operators: Keystroke automation with Multi-Station
Access to Wang, December 1988
Using Multistation glossaries to automate nightly operations tasks

Time-Release Operations: More on using Glossary for keystroke automation
Access to Wang, January 1989
More on using Multistation glossaries to automate operations tasks

Power Off!: When the lights go out, don't be in the dark
Access to Wang, April 1989
Preparing for power outages and steps to recover after one

Time Trials: Determining workstation response time and more on Lotus date formats
Access to Wang, June 1989
A procedure for determining approximate workstation response time without expensive utility software

Here's the Needle!: Finding files fast with BACKDATA
Access to Wang, July 1990
Creating a backup file log system using BACKUP's print files as data

Safety First!: Develop a backup strategy for your system
Access to Wang, August 1990
Creating a backup strategy for your system

Safe and Secure: Tighten up VS system security with this tip
Access to Wang, November 1990
Enhancements to reporting information within the SECURITY file

File Experiments: Existing disk management software doesn't fulfill simple needs
Access to Wang, January 1991
Review of disk management tools and their limitations

Cleaning House: Clean-up utilities for the VS
Access to Wang, February 1991
Review of utilities that could be combined for disk management

Getting the Message: The USERAID MAIL, and a SECURDB update for OS 7.20 or higher
Access to Wang, March 1991
Discussion of MAIL, a free electronic mail tool, and updates to the SECUREDB tool

The Green Machine: The environmental impact of computer operations
Access to Wang, April 1991
Suggestions for reducing the environmental impact of computer operations (part 1 of 2)

Power and People: The environmental impact of computer operations - Part II
Access to Wang, May 1991
Suggestions for reducing the environmental impact of computer operations (part 2 of 2)

Updating the Security Database: Changes to the SECURITY utility may require a few modifications
Access to Wang, February 1992
Updating information on the SECUREDB tool to enhance security information

Limited Access: Restricting user access through the application
Access to Wang, June 1992
Assigning access rights to programs, not users

Robot Administrator: How to automate routine administrative chores
Access to Wang, October 1992
Steps to convert programs to be eligible for automation

Simulating paths on the VS: An alternative to putting common programs in the system library
Access to Wang, November 1992
A simulation of MS-DOS and Unix paths, allowing search of several libraries for programs

Out of Sight!: Putting your programs in deep background
Access to Wang, January 1993
Creating a Procedure to submit programs to background

Dialing In: Remote terminal access to the VS
Access to Wang, September 1995
Models of remote access to VS systems, including asynchronous workstations and remote network access

Telecommuting for the VS: Remote network connections using SLIP
Access to Wang, October 1995
A prototype of network-based access to VS and other systems using SLIP

Setting Up a Remote Terminal: A step-by-step tutorial
Access to Wang, November 1995
Step-by-step instructions for setting up Wang asynchronous workstations

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Copyright © 1986-1998 Dennis S. Barnes
Reprints of this material are permitted without notification if the source of the information is clearly identified