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Telecommuting for the VS

Remote network connections using SLIP

From "Migration",  Access to Wang, October 1995
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Last month we covered remote workstation connections to a VS host using the traditional terminal emulation/host model. Many of us have been using this approach to remote communications, so this model should be familiar. If you use VS applications for all of your application needs - electronic mail, word processing, etc. - than this terminal emulation approach will work well, providing fast, reliable, and inexpensive connections to your enterprise systems.

Increasingly, software on the VS provides only part of the application solution: there are other tools and other hosts that we would like to use. Dial-up communications can be provided for each of these purposes separately, but this usually means that you must perform only one task at a time. For example, if you were working on the VS using a terminal program and dial-up line, you would have to end your session and log off before dialing in to check your electronic mail. Using a single application at a time was acceptable a decade ago, but today most of us expect simultaneous access to all of our applications.

Since most of the applications we are interested in using are run from a network, the following discussion is based on such use. Applications that make use of data or applications on a remote system can be thought of as client/server applications - certainly a term echoed in much of the trade press today.

Using network applications remotely

Here are several ways to gain access to network applications from a remote location:

1. Use a bridge or router: Lay an expensive digital line from your organization to the remote location, and purchase the required communications equipment. Requires a large investment for each connection ($7,500 or more plus several hundred dollars a month in line charges) but provides fast, reliable connectivity.

2. Connect to a PC that is on the network: Use commercial products (PCAnywhere, Carbon Copy, etc.) to remotely control a PC that is locally attached to the network. Requires two PCs to be up and functioning for each connection, and may be slow and unreliable.

3. Use special connection hardware: Purchase a commercial network connection product that provides network connections across dial-up lines. Expensive but often faster than some other options. Costs $2,000-$5,000 per connection. (This is a hot field today, so check trade magazines and vendors for the latest products.)

4. Extend the network through serial protocols: Use SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) or PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) and an appropriately configured PC to dial into the enterprise TCP/IP network and share network applications. Requires a suitable communications server (Unix, Windows NT, etc.), normal communications equipment (modems, conventional phone lines), and network client software on the PC. Can be difficult to set up.

As you can see, the last option (SLIP or PPP) provides an excellent cost/benefit ratio and is often the best solution, allowing you to use the same applications as you would on local systems. (SLIP and PPP are similar in concept, so I will use the term SLIP to refer to either.) Much of the additional software needed for a SLIP connection is available for little or no cost, and performance is reasonable. Drawbacks to SLIP center on getting it correctly set up on both client and server.

The illustration below (see Figure 1) shows how SLIP connections work. The modem on the remote workstation makes a connection with a modem on the communications host, then both systems step aside to allow network packets (chunks of data) to pass across the line. With appropriate security and access control, applications and data on any system accessible to the enterprise network can be reached, no matter what platform type or physical location.

On the remote workstation, the communications client software translates network packets, feeding them to the application software. Types of application software can include any software that can receive data from the communications client software, such as network terminal emulation (Telnet clients), LAN email or word processing applications, or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tools.

A guided tour

Much of the discussion to this point has been abstract and not helpful to the network application novice. Perhaps the best way to see how SLIP access works is to provide a typical scenario:

If you have never used SLIP before, the preceding scenario might sound improbable, but I use most elements daily and appreciate getting simultaneous access to multiple applications. Naturally, the speed of the modem connection limits the effective concurrent use of more than one application, so some flexibility is necessary when performing large tasks, such as transferring large files. In general, SLIP connections are nearly as reliable and fast as dial-in terminal emulation sessions.

Getting started

As noted above, getting everything working correctly the first time is the most difficult aspect of SLIP connections. Client communications software requires careful attention to network parameters and some effort to avoid conflicts with other network software - including Windows for Workgroups. Setting up SLIP on the host is tricky and specific to each manufacturer's operating system; I recommend consulting experts in your architecture. Communications equipment should be as fast as cost and the technical capabilities of your system allow: 14,400 baud should be considered the lowest practical speed. Access to the VS through such connections requires a TCP/IP gateway, currently sold by Wang and Software Business Applications.

This discussion was intentionally brief, but it should give you some idea of the benefits and requirements for remote network access through SLIP. Contact me here at the magazine if you are interested in more details about client applications or host communications setup.

Figure 1: Model of Dial-up Network Communications

[Example of Unix and MS-DOS Directory Relationships]

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Copyright © 1995 Dennis S. Barnes
Reprints of this article are permitted without notification if the source of the information is clearly identified