SELCOPY: File parameter selection screen

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<< WANG-VS Selective File Copy Utility - Version 2.01.00 >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Utility Will Copy Selective Files On The Following Volumes: Input Volume = VOLSYS Output Volume = VOLOUT -------------- To Limit Copy, Change Appropriate Fields Below. ------------- All Files: Created Before (YYMMDD) 991231 Created After (YYMMDD) 000101 Modified Before (YYMMDD) 991231 Modified After (YYMMDD) 000101 Expired Before (YYMMDD) 991231 Expired After (YYMMDD) 000101 For User-id *** (Leave blank for all users) File Type Y = Consecutive ------------------------------------------------------- Y = Indexed File Protection Class Y = Print A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Y = Program Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y = Alt-Indexed # @ $ Blank Y = Logfile Y Y Y Y Y = Word Processing ----------- ENTER Necessary Information or PF16 to Exit Program ------------- NOTE: If no fields on this screen are changed, the entire volume is copied.