*** MESSAGE MT01 BY MOUNT INFORMATION REQUIRED BY PROGRAM MAINMENU TO DEFINE VOLUME ACTIVE SUBPROGRAM IS MOUNT Please specify mount parameters DEVICE = *** VOLUME = ****** LABEL = SL < SL (standard label) AL (ANSI label; same as SL) > < IL (IBM label; tape only) NL (nonlabelled volume) > USAGE = SH < SH (shared) EX (exclusive) PR (protected) RR (restricted) > VOLTYPE = R < F (fixed disk platter) R (removable disk/tape) > SYSUSE = *** < Allow the following types of system files (any combination): > < W (work files) S (spool files) P (paging files) > BYPASS = NO* < YES/NO to bypass label processing ("mount for initialize") > NOMSG = NO* < YES/NO to bypass all mount messages (volume already mounted) > NODISP = NO* < YES/NO to bypass user screen mount message display > NONSTND = NO* < YES/NO to mount a disk volume for non-standard addressing > EXIT = NO* < YES/NO to exit with mount return code on error condition > Press PF2 to specify DISMOUNT parameters Press PF16 to exit from the program <<<<<< WANG VS Mount/Dismount Utility - Version 4.01.00 >>>>>>