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access privileges: The file classes and related access limits (EXECUTE, READ, or WRITE) allowed for a user.

allocation: A disk area set aside for a file's exclusive use.

alphabet: The character set in use. Typically ASCII or EBCDIC.

alphanumeric: A data area that can contain combinations of numbers and letters. (See also numeric.)

alternate key: An alternate path to retrieve information from a file. Also known as an alternate index.

alternate-indexed file: An indexed file that has more than one key.

ambiguous reference: A name specification in which known and unknown information is mixed, using ambiguous (wild-card) characters to indicate unknown values.

application: A collection of interrelated programs and data files; a system.

archive disk: A diskette used to store documents.

argument: A run-time parameter sent to a program or subroutine that influences operation. Typically refers to variables that are passed to or returned from a subroutine.

array: A collection of two or more data items positioned within a single variable.

ASCII characters: Text that adheres to the American Standard Code for Information Exchange character set. Often used to refer to files composed of text alone (no formatting information).

b.p.i.: Abbreviation for bits per inch; measurement of the density of tape file storage.

background task: A task run without workstation intervention; i.e., submitted to the Procedure Queue. Also known as a non-interactive task.

BACKUP: A Wang system utility. Copies files to and from disks or tapes and produces a report.

binary: Literally, a number system having only '1' and zero as its digits. The fundamental number system used by modern computers.

block: 2048 characters of disk space. The fundamental measurement of disk area on VS systems.

broadcast: A message sent to all users.

byte: Another term for a character.

CALL: A request from a program to run another program, then return to the point of origin.

cancel exit: A method for directing an interactive task to a specific program when it has abnormally ended.

carriage return: A control character that returns the cursor to the beginning of the same line. May also perform a line feed.

character set: The alphabet used by a system. Includes normal letters and numbers (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, punctuation, etc.) plus control characters (carriage return, line feed, etc.).

characters, ASCII: A character set used by the VS and other computers.

characters, EBCDIC: A character set used by many large computers systems. Files in this character set must be converted for use on the VS.

code generator: A program that accepts information from the user and creates another program.

Command Processor: A menu of system functions available to the user when the HELP key is pressed. Includes access to the print and procedure queues, the volume names, and other functions.

compile: The process of converting a source file written in a high-level language (BASIC, COBOL, RPGII, PL/I, etc.) to an object file (a set of machine language instructions).

consecutive file: A file whose records lie in the order in which they were written.

constant: In programming, a value that remains the same during program execution. Opposite of a variable.

control character: Characters that control the presentation of a file, as opposed to the content (data) of the file.

CONTROL file: A file that describes the structure of a data file. Required before the DATENTRY, INQUIRY, or REPORT utilities can be used.

COPY: A Wang system utility that copies disk files to other disk files.

COPY file: In the COBOL high-level language, a program section that is copied into the program during the compile process.

COPYWP: A Wang utility that converts Word Processing (VS/IIS) documents to and from VS data processing files (e.g. print files, source files, etc.). Also used to copy or reorganize documents. Functionally replaced by Wang's COPYPLUS, which also handles WP+ documents.

correction GETPARM: A form of GETPARM typically issued when an error has occured. Unlike the ACKNOWLEDGE or SELECT forms, correction GETPARMs cannot be controlled by a program or procedure.

CPU: Abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. The primary control system of the computer.

crash: Slang term for system failures of all sorts.

CRT: In this manual, the terms workstation, terminal, and CRT are synonomous.

data: An ordered collection of coded information.

data file: A large collection of data.

Data Management System (DMS): Part of the VS operating system. Handles file maintenance and disk space allocation, including record access and the physical location of the files.

DATENTRY: A Wang system utility that allows a user to add, change, delete, or list the contents of a data file without a program. Requires a valid CONTROL file to describe the structure of the file.

DEC: Abbreviation for Digital Equipment Corporation, a manufacturer of computer equipment.

demonstration program: A program created to show the features of a program or subroutine.

density: The amount of data stored per inch of tape; e.g. b.p.i. (bits per inch).

device number: A unique number established by the system configuration to identify a workstation, printer, or other piece of hardware.

disk extent: In disk storage, an area of a disk not presently used for file storage. For files, refers to the areas where pieces of the file reside.

disk format: The layout of information on a disk.

disk label: A unique name that can be used by programs to refer to the disk.

diskette, archive: A diskette that has been formatted to receive documents from Wang Word Processing. (Note that this is not the same disk format used by most VS data processing applications.)

DISKINIT: A Wang utility that prepares disks for use by formatting them. Also includes options to analyze existing disks or change their labels.

dismount: The process of removing a tape or disk. May be a physical dismount (the volume is removed from the drive) or a logical dismount (the volume is made inaccessible to the system).

display: Information presented on a workstation display; a screen.

DISPLAY: A Wang utility that displays any type of VS disk file. Frequently used by utilities to display reports or other output.

DMS: Abbreviation for Data Management System.

document: The file organization used by Wang Word Processing (VS/IIS) and WP+ files.

DP print file: Another term for a print file.

DSDD: Abbreviation for a double-sided double-density diskette drive, such as the 1.2 mb archiving workstation.

dynamic link: A form of connection between programs that is established during the program's run. Opposite of static link.

EBCDIC characters: Text that uses the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

EDITOR: A Wang product used to edit source files. Integrated with other programming tools, such as compilers and the LINKER.

editor file: Another term for a text file or source file.

(ENTER): In this manual, (RETURN) and (ENTER) are identical in function. Various Wang keyboards may have either or both.

executable file: Another term for an object file. Also refers to procedure files.

extent: A contiguous group of disk blocks set aside for the use of a particular file. (See also free extent.)

extract: The process of requesting usage information from the system. Often performed by the EXTRACT subroutine.

EZFORMAT: A Wang utility used to create screen images that can be used by programs. Formerly a Useraid.

FD: A COBOL term for a File Description. Used in this manual to describe a layout of data items in a file.

FDR: Records in the VTOC that describe the attributes of a file.

file allocation: The amount of disk space reserved for the exclusive use of a file. Typically more space is allocated than actually used.

File Management utilities: Common name for the Wang CONTROL, INQUIRY, DATENTRY, and REPORT utilities.

file, object: A executable file or program. Opposite of source file.

file, paging: A file used by the operating system as work area.

file, source: A text file written in a high-level language such as COBOL or BASIC. Must be compiled to machine language to form an object file.

file, spool: Another term for a print file.

file, work: A file created for a process, then deleted.

fileclas: A usage constant that defines the default file class assigned to output files created by that user.

FIND: A subroutine used by many programs to allow the use of ambiguous references (wild cards) rather than the exact name of a file.

format, disk: The physical organization of information on a disk.

free extent: A contiguous group of disk blocks not presently used for any file.

front-end: A workstation display that accepts information from the user, then passes that information to another program for processing.

GETPARM: A form of program interface that can accept information entered from a workstation or provided by a program or procedure. (See also Appendix A, "GETPARMs and their use".)

hardware: The equipment used in a computer system. Includes the CPU, workstations, storage devices, and printers. Opposite of software.

hex: Slang term for hexadecimal notation.

hexadecimal: A numbering system based on 16, rather than 10. Uses numbers 0-9 and A-F for digits.

hidden GETPARM: A GETPARM screen that does not normally show up unless referenced in a program or procedure.

high-level language: A tool that allows programs to be developed using terms understandable to humans, then translated to machine language for processing.

indexed file: A DMS file that contains record access and location information in addition to the data itself. Allows random access to any record in the file.

initialization: The process of clearing or restarting. Applies to program memory (e.g. Initial Program Load) or to disks (e.g. formatting).

inlib: A usage constant that defines the default library location for the user's input files.

integer: A positive or negative number that does not have a fractional component.

interactive task: A task (program) that interacts with the workstation screen.

invol: A usage constant that defines the default volume location for the user's input files.

IPL: Abbreviation for "initial program load"; to load a fresh copy of the the operating system into the computer.

ISWU: The Internation Society of Wang Users. A Wang-sponsored organization aimed at assisting users of Wang systems. Distributors of ISWUAIDS and ISWUSUBS.

ISWUAIDS: A subset of USERAIDs. Distributed by the International Society of Wang Users (ISWU). Consists of utilities, demonstration programs, procedures, data files, and other files intended to assist in VS users. None are supported by Wang Laboratories.

ISWUSUBS: Subroutines distributed by ISWU. A subset of USERSUBS.

kb: Abbreviation for kilobyte (one thousand bytes).

key: A portion of a data file that is used to find the remainder of the record.

keyword: For GETPARMs, refers to the field name that is used in a procedure to control the contents of a field. Also refers to any reserved words in an application or language.

label: Records stored on a tape or disk volume that indicate the format of the volume and some it's attributes.

label, disk: A unique name that can be used by programs to refer to the disk.

label, tape: A series of records that identify the source and contents of a tape. Wang systems typically use non-labeled tapes.

library: A collection of files, usually sharing a system or purpose.

link: A connection between programs.

link, dynamic: A form of connection between programs that is established during the program's run. Opposite of static link.

link, static: A form of connections between programs where the code from one program is copied into another. Opposite of dynamic link.

LINKER: A Wang utility that establishes links between programs.

listing: Another term for a print file or report.

literal: In programming, a data item that does not change value during program execution.

log: A collection of messages recorded chronologically.

log file: A consecutive file shared among many users with records added to the end of the file in sequence. A VS file type.

logical mount: The process of allowing the system to access a disk or tape. Usually related to a physical mount.

logon procedure: A procedure that is run every time the user logs on. Typically sets usage constants and runs the first program (i.e. a menu).

machine language: The binary instructions used by the CPU to perform a task.

macro: Abbreviation for macroinstruction. An Assembler instruction that translates to more than one machine instruction.

mask: A ambiguous reference or wild-card specification.

mb: Abbreviation for megabyte (one million bytes).

MDA: Abbreviation for Modifiable Data Area.

menu: A display of the program options available to the user at that time.

merge: The process of combining information into a single file.

merge document: A special Word Processing document that is designed to receive information from another document, producing a third.

microcode: Special programs that tell terminals, printers, and controllers how they are to interact with the system. Loaded from the CPU, usually whenever the device is turned on.

Modifiable Data Area: An area of the main memory of the CPU used to store the modifiable portion of a program. Roughly equivalent to the older term Segment 2.

mount: The process of installing a tape or removable disk and making it available to the system. Consists of physical mount and logical mount processes.

non-blank: Any character other than a space.

non-interactive task: A task that requires no workstation interaction.

non-labeled: Disks or tapes that do not have records to indicate their origin and history. Non-labeled tapes are the VS default; disks are usually labeled.

numeric: A character in the range 0 - 9. Sometimes also includes numeric editing fields ("+", "-", etc.).

object file: A executable file or program. Produced by compiling a source file.

OIS: Abbreviation for Office Information Systems. A Wang product line used primarily for text processing.

on-line: A term for an application that uses the workstation as its primary contact for data.

open screen: A screen where most area is "open"; i.e. it can be modified.

operating system: A collection of Wang software used to control the fundamental operation of the computer. Also includes general utilities such as DISPLAY, BACKUP, and COPY.

operator message: A message that appears on the Operator's Console. Usually used to request attention, as when a disk or tape must be mounted.

operator mode: A term for working within menus known as the Operator's Console.

Operator's Console: System control functions available only to specific workstations or users.

outlib: A usage constant that defines the default library location for the user's output files.

outvol: A usage constant that defines the default volume location for the user's output files.

paging file: A file used by the operating system to store pages of virtual memory.

patch: The act of changing information in any type of file without using a normal data entry program.

PF key: Program Function key; can be used to control program execution. On Wang systems, 16 PF keys are used, giving 32 PF key values (with the SHIFT key).

physical mount: The act of physically placing a tape or disk on the drive. (See also logical mount.)

PIC: COBOL term for PICture. Used in this manual to show the format of a data field.

primary extent: The first allocation in a disk file.

print file: A VS file organization type.

PRNAME: Abbreviation for Parameter Reference name. The name of a screen when controlled by a procedure.

procedure: An executable file written in Wang Procedure Language.

Procedure language: A command language used on VS systems.

Procedure Queue: A list of non-interactive tasks that have been submitted to run in background.

production file: A data file that contains live (real) data.

program: A executable file. Opposite of source file.

prompt: A point where an interactive task halts and waits for the user to enter information.

purge: The process of removing unnecessary records from a file.

RDF: Abbreviation for a REPORT Definition File. A report specification used by the Wang REPORT utility.

READFDR: A subroutine that extracts the FDR information on a file.

READVTOC: A subroutine that extracts VTOC information on a file, library, or volume.

reorganize: A term for rebuilding the internal order of a file. Usually refers to indexed files or documents.

REPORT file: A file that describes a report. Used and maintained by the Wang REPORT utility.

reserved word: A word that has special meaning in a high-level language and cannot be used for other purposes. A COBOL example: "MOVE".

(RETURN): In this manual, (RETURN) and (ENTER) are identical in function. Various Wang keyboards may have either or both.

return code: A numeric variable sent back from a program to indicate its success or failure.

run-time parameter: Information specific to a program run that is passed to a program. Example: a date range for a report.

scan: Another term for a search.

screen: A workstation display.

screen dump: A print file showing the contents of a workstation display. Typically produced by pressing PF(14) from the Command Processor.

SECURITY: A Wang utility that maintains the USERLIST file, the location of user and program access privileges.

Security Administrator: A person or program with access priviledges to files of all classes--even files set to exclusive use. Also used to refer to the person that maintains the USERLIST with the SECURITY utility.

Segment 2: Obsolete term for the area in main memory where the modifiable portions of a program are stored. Now referred to as Modifiable Data Area.

shell program: An unfinished source file incorporating routine sections. Used as a start towards a complete program.

software: Executable files that control a computer's operation. Opposite of hardware.

source file: A text file written in a high-level language such as COBOL or BASIC. Must be compiled to convert to an object file.

spool file: Another term for a print file.

spoolib: A usage constant that defines the default library location for the user's print files.

spoolvol: A usage constant that defines the default volume location for the user's print files.

SSSD: Abbreviation for a single-sided single-density diskette drive, such as the 315 kb archiving workstation. (See also DSDD.)

standard exit: A program that provides the user an exit without processing.

static link: A form of connection between programs where the code from one program is copied into another. Opposite of dynamic link.

string: A line of text. Often used to refer to the comparison item in a search.

submit: The process of adding a program or procedure to the Procedure Queue.

subroutine: A program that performs a specific task and can be used by other programs.

subsystem: An application that performs a sophisticated task and consists of two or more interconnecting programs.

SVC: Abbreviation for Supervisor Call. A facility provided by the operating system to perform special functions.

@SYSTEM@: The system library; the location of the operating system and most Wang system utilities.

System Administrator: The person responsible for the configuration and operation of a system.

system configuration: All hardware of a computer system. Also refers to the configuration file maintained by the Wang GENEDIT utility that ties physical devices to the operating system.

system library: A library that contains the operating system and most Wang system utilities. Must be named @SYSTEM@.

system utilities: Maintenance and administration programs provided with the operating system software by Wang Laboratories.

system volume: The volume where the system was started from; the location of the system library.

tape label: A series of records that identify the source and contents of a tape. Wang systems typically use non-labeled tapes.

task, background: Another term for a non-interactive task.

task, interactive: A task (program) that interacts with the workstation screen.

task, non-interactive: A task that requires no workstation interaction. Opposite of an interactive task.

terminal: In this manual, the terms workstation, terminal, and CRT are synonomous.

text file: On the VS, an 80-character consecutive file usually used as input for a high-level language.

text string: A set of characters. Typically refers to the item to be found in a search.

toggle: A program feature that can be turned on and off like a light switch.

uid: Used in this manual as an abbreviation for user ID, the 3-character identifier unique to each user.

underscore: Another term for an underline.

uppercase: Capital letters ('A' through 'Z', but not 'a' through 'z').

usage constant: Parameters indicating default file locations and miscellaneous parameters. May be set manually by the user through the Command Processor or with a program or procedure.

user ID: A 3-character identifier unique to a user. Same as uid and USERID.

USERAIDS: A collection of utilities, demonstration programs, procedures, data files, and other files intended to assist VS users. Includes the subset ISWUAIDS (distributed by the International Society of Wang Users) and others with no known origin. Unlike system utilities or applications, none are supported by Wang Laboratories.

USERID: An abbreviation for the user ID. Also, a Procedure Language keyword used when extracting the user ID.

USERLIST: The list of authorized system users. Contains the USERID, USERNAME, password, access profile, and start procedure for each user. Maintained by the Wang SECURITY utility.

USERNAME: A 24-character name for the user. A field in the USERLIST file, maintained by SECURITY.

USERSUBS: A collection of subroutines intended to assist VS users. Includes the subset ISWUSUBS (distributed by the International Society of Wang Users) and many others with no known origin. Unlike system utilities or applications, none are supported by Wang Laboratories.

utility: A program that performs a function of use to almost any VS user. Opposite of an application (a tool of use to specific users).

variable: In programming, a data item that can change during program execution. Opposite of a constant.

VAX: A line of computers produced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).

VOLSET ID: An identifier used for multi-volume disk sets. Required for multiple-volume files; optional otherwise.

VS/IIS: Abbreviation for VS Integrated Information Systems. Generally used to refer to exchanges between VS data and Word Processing files.

Wang Systems Networking: A broad collection of inter-system communications products offered by Wang Laboratories. Also referred to as WSN or WangNet.

Wang VS: A series of multi-user computer systems that use Virtual Storage concepts to extend their power and usefulness.

workstation: In this manual, the terms workstation, terminal, and CRT are synonomous.

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